壓力計, 數位式壓力計, 數位式壓力開關, 壓力傳感器


本公司創立於1985年, 主要生產高精確度之各類數位式壓力計, 數位式壓力開關, 壓力傳感器, 電接點式壓力計, 簡易型壓力開關, 充油式壓力計, 雙面充油式壓力計, 數位式/數字式/數顯示雙面壓力計, ABS壓力計, 全不銹鋼壓力計, 電接點壓力計, 專利簡易型電接點壓力計, 全不銹鋼電接點壓力計, 全不銹鋼專利簡易型電接點壓力計, 隔膜壓力計, 壓力開關, 數顯式壓力開關, 防爆型電接點壓力計, 壓力傳感器, 壓力傳送器, 壓力感應開關, 固定式壓力感應開關壓力計, 一般型壓力計等, 並與歐美專業製造商技術合作, 為國內外著名之壓力計專業製造商及出口商, 產品外銷遍及世界各地, 廣為各界指定使用. 本公司為力求品質提升, 更與德國Wiebrock Mess-und Regeltechnik GmbH技術合作, 且產品通過台灣工研院機械工業研究所壓力試驗部門, 依照日本工業標準JIS B 7505-1994年版, 9-4, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7的各項標準, 測試壓力計的重現性, 靜態耐壓, 動態耐壓及一百萬次耐久性嚴格測試合格, 產品品質已與世界知名品牌並駕齊驅. 本公司於1996年通過英國BSI認證ISO 9002品質保證系統, 1997年榮獲經濟部頒發象徵最高品質的台灣精品證書, 1999年再通過瑞士SGS認證之CE歐規電氣標準, 台灣雙葉工業股份有限公司品質上不斷的創新研發使FTB品牌永遠居於世界領導地位. 於1997年初, 為執行提升公司整體轉型計畫, 成立電子部門, 致力研發數字式壓力錶/數位式壓力錶/數顯式壓力錶, 數位式壓力開關/數字式壓力開關/數顯式壓力開關, 及壓力傳感器與壓力傳送器等. 為求精益求精, 本公司推出專利新產品雙面式壓力錶與數位式/數字式/數顯式雙面壓力錶, 提供印刷電路PCB行業使用, 以及新專利固定式壓力感應開關壓力計來提供給使用一般壓力開關的用戶另一個更經濟更方便的選擇, 台灣雙葉再一次以FTB品牌與品質在台灣與大陸地區繼續服務廣大客戶, 有關FTB所有新產品, 請上FTB(www.ftb.com.tw)網站查詢. Digital Pressure Gauges, Digital Pressure Switches, Pressure Transmitters, Pressure Transducers, Electrical Contact Pressure Gauges, Pressure Gauge with Electrical Contact, Patented Economical Electrical Contact Pressure Gauges, Patented Pressure Gauge with Electrical Contact, Non-Contact Type Electrical Contact Pressure Gauges, Non-Contact Type Pressure Gauges with Electrical Contact, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pressure Switches, Pressure Gauge Switches, Inductive Contact Pressure Gauges, Pressure Gauge with Inductive Contact, Traditional Pressure Transmitters, Traditional Pressure Transducers, Digital Pressure Switches with NPN Outputs, Digital Pressure Switches with PNP Outputs, Pressure Switches, Digital Torque/Tension/Pressure Gauges, Double-Sided Digital Pressure Gauges for PCB Industries, Double-Sided Liquid-Filled Pressure Gauges for PCB Industries, Phenolic Pressure Gauges, Diaphragm Pressure Gauges, Liquid-Filled Pressure Gauges, All Stainless Steel Pressure Gauges, Contact Manometers, Manometers, Vacuum Pressure Gauges, SF6 Gas Density Monitors, SF6 Gas Density Gauges, SF6 Gas Density Meters, SF6 Gas Monitors, SF6 Gas Gauges, SF6 Gas Meters, SF6 Density Monitors, SF6 Density Gauges, SF6 Density Meters, SF6 Monitors, SF6 Gauges, SF6 Meters We are a manufacturer of pressure gauges both digital and dial liquid-filled pressure gauges, digital pressure gauges, digital pressure gauge, digital pressure switches, digital pressure switch, inductive contact pressure gauges, liquid filled pressure gauges, glycerin-filled pressure gauges, glycerin filled pressure gauges, glycerine-filled pressure gauges, glycerine filled pressure gauges, pressure gauges, pressure gauge, gauges, gauge, gages, gage, abs case pressure gauges, diaphragm seal pressure gauges, vacuum and compound pressure gauges, gauge and gauges, manometers, digital pressure gauges, pressure transducers, electric contact pressure gauges, pressure gauges with electric contact, electric contact, patented economical electrical contact pressure gauges, patented economical pressure gauge with electrical contact, patented non-contact type electrical contact pressure gauges, patented non-contact type pressure gauge with electrical contact, patented double-sided digital pressure gauges for PCB industries, patented double-sided digital pressure switches for PCB industries, patented double-sided pressure transmitters and transducers for PCB industries, patented double-sided liquid-filled pressure gauges for PCB industries, diaphragm pressure gauges, patented hydraulic and pneumatic pressure switch with gauge, utility gauges, dry gauges, temperature gauge, temperature gauges, digital pressure gauges, digital pressure gauge, digital pressure switches, digital pressure switch, digital manometers, digital manometer, pressure transducers, pressure transducer, pressure transmitters, pressure transmitter, pressure gauges with electric contact, SF6 gas density monitors, SF6 gas density gauges, SF6 gas density meters, SF6 gas monitors, SF6 gas gauges, SF6 gas meters, SF6 density monitors, SF6 density gauges, SF6 density meters, SF6 monitors, SF6 gauges, SF6 meters, and industrial thermometers. All our pressure gauges are full scaled 1.5% accuracy suitable for all industrial applications. Our outstanding quality is definitely your best choice for pressure gauges and industrial thermometers. Liquid-Filled Pressure Gauges: -Sizes ranging from 1 1/2" (40 mm) to 6" (150 mm); pressure ranges ranging from vacuum, compound, to 15,000 psi. All series are liquid-filled, water-proof, CE compliant, and shock resistant for long-lasting usages. -Model: Bayonet Ring Type and Crimped Bezel Type. -Casing: SS 304. -Tubing: Standard Brass, Phosphor Bronze and SS 316 upon request. -Movement: Standard Brass, SS 304/316 upon request. -Connection: Standard Brass, SS 316 upon request. -Accuracy: 1.5% F.S. All Stainless Steel Pressure Gauges: -Sizes ranging from 1 1/2" (40 mm) to 6" (150 mm); pressure ranges ranging from vacuum, compound, to 15,000 psi. All series are liquid-filled, water-proof, CE compliant, and shock resistant for long-lasting usages. -Model: Bayonet Ring Type and Crimped Bezel Type. -Casing: SS 304. -Tubing: SS 316. -Movement: SS 304. -Connection: SS 316. -Accuracy: 1.5% F.S. Pressure Gauge with Electric Contact: -Sizes ranging from 3" (75 mm) to 4" (100 mm); pressure ranges ranging from vacuum, compound, to 15,000 psi. All series are CE compliant, and shock resistant for long-lasting usages. -German-made contact devices. -Model: Bayonet Ring Type with Lower Mount (LM), Lower Mount with back Flange, Lower Back Mount (LBM), and Lower Back Mount with Front Flange. -Sizes: 3" (75 mm) & 4" (100 mm) -Casing: SS 304. -Tubing: SS 316. -Movement: Standard Brass, SS 304/316 upon request. -Connection: Standard Brass, SS 316 upon request. -Accuracy: 1.0% F.S. -Pointer: German-made Aluminum Pointer. -Cable Connection: Plastic. -Contact: High (A), Low (B). -Contact Types: Single, Double, Triple, and Quadruple. -Permanent Current: 0.6 A max. -Switching Capacity: =30W-50VA max. -Contact Pin Material: Ag80 Ni20. -Ambient Temp: -20C to 70 C -Operating Voltage: 24 VDC to 250 VAC max. -Making Current: 1.0 A max. -Breaking Current: 1.0 A max. Economical Type Electrical Contact Pressure Gauges: FTB-Patented Worldwide -Size 4" (100 mm); pressure ranges ranging from vacuum, compound to 15,000 psi. All series are CE compliant, and shock resistant for long-lasting usages. -FTB-patented non-contact type contact devices. -Model: Bayonet Ring Type with Lower Mount (LM), Lower Mount with back Flange, Lower Back Mount (LBM), and Lower Back Mount with Front Flange. -Size: 4" (100 mm-Adjustable Setting). -Casing: Chrome-Plated Steel Case. -Tubing: Standard Brass or Optional SS 316. -Movement: Standard Brass, SS 304/316 upon request. -Connection: Standard Brass, SS 316 upon request. -Accuracy: 1.5% F.S. -Pointer: Aluminum Pointer. -Cable Connection: Plastic. -Contact: High (A), Low (B). -Contact Types: Single, Double. -Switching Current: 0.23 A DC/AC max. at 220 VAC. -Switching Capacity: 50 VA max. -Operating Temp: -40C to 125C -Storage Temp: -55C to 155C -Operating Voltage: 24 VDC to 240 VAC max. -Carrying Current: 0.23 A DC/AC max. at 220 VAC. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pressure Switches: FTB-Patented Worldwide -Sizes 2 1/2" (63 mm), and 2" (50 mm); pressure ranges ranging from vacuum, compound to 15,000 psi. All series are CE compliant, and shock resistant for long-lasting usages. -FTB-patented non-contact type contact devices. -Model: Bayonet Ring Type with Lower Mount (LM), Lower Mount with back Flange, Lower Back Mount (LBM), and Lower Back Mount with Front Flange. -Sizes: 2 1/2" (63 mm-Fixed Setting), and 2" (50 mm-Fixed Setting) -Casing: Chrome-Plated Steel Case. -Tubing: Standard Brass or Optional SS 316. -Movement: Standard Brass, SS 304/316 upon request. -Connection: Standard Brass, SS 316 upon request. -Accuracy: 1.5% F.S. -Pointer: Aluminum Pointer. -Cable Connection: Plastic. -Contact: High (A), Low (B). -Contact Types: Single, Double. -Switching Current: 0.42 A DC max. -Switching Capacity: 10 VA max. -Operating Temp: -40C to 125C -Storage Temp: -55C to 155C -Operating Voltage: 24 VDC max. -Carrying Current: 0.42 A DC max. Pressure Transmitter Switches: FTB patented pressure transmitter switches to replace the current transmitters out there on the market to save huge costs by omitting the analog outpout coder/decoder, special power for the pressure transmitter, and the mechanical pressure indicator (gauge) installed on the machine. Diaphragm Pressure Gauges: FTB pressure gauges are especially suitable for pressure sources with corrosive acids, fluids, or sticky compounds combined where pressure sources might harm the gauges directly. They are widely used in petroleum, food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Digital Pressure Gauges/Switches/Pressure Transducers & Transmitters: The DPG-75/DPS-75/PT-75 Digital Pressure Gauges/Switches/Pressure Transducers & Transmitters with 1% full scale accuracy uses FTB-developed and patented technology as your cutting edge, cost-saving provider for digital solutions. The FTB-developed technology delivers stable and long-lasting performance. 5 1/2 digit blue backlit LCD display makes DPG-75/DPS-75/PT-75 the largest in window size Digital Pressure Gauges/Switches/Pressure Transducers & Transmitters found available on market. The DPG-75/DPS-75/PT-75 were built for the applications which the cost for digital solutions is highly concerned. The DPG/DPS/PT-75 are rugged and feature High Pressure Capture with pressure ranges ranging from vacuum (bar, "Hg, cmHg, mmHg) to 15,000 PSIG (displayed also in bar, kg/cm2, MPa, and kPa). An AC power adapter of 100-240 Volts with 50-60 Hz is included for easy installation; also, an DC power of 5-24 Volts is available as an option for DC power input as well. Typical applications include test and measurement in the process industries, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, industrial gases, industrial machinery and machine tools, injection molding machines, stamping and forming presses, and pumps and compressors. Besides the functions that the DPG-75 has to offer, the DPS-75 Digital Pressure Switch does deliver an additional pressure switch function to the applications which the control of set pressures is needed. Equipped with 8 Pressure Setting Points, the DPS-75 is the most economical digital pressure switch available on market ever. Furthermore, the PT-75 Pressure Transducers and Transmitters also deliver the transducer and transmitter functions with 4 standard outputs as 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 VDC, and 0-10 VDC. More to find from our catalog page. Features: +- 1% Full Scale Accuracy. Ranges from Vacuum to 15,000 PISG (1,000 kg/cm2). Positive Pressures (bar, psi, kg/cm2, MPa, and kPa). Negative Pressures ("Hg, cmHg, mmHg, and bar). 5 1/2 Digit Blue Backlit LCD Display. High Pressure Capture. CE Compliant. Rugged ABS Plastic Housing with Black Lacquered. Customer Recalibration. Zero Offset/Tare. Output Signal: 4-20 mA, 0-5/10 VDC.紙廠機械

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    1. 統一編號06032660
    2. 更多資訊台灣雙葉工業股份有限公司-數位式壓力計開關傳感器電接點壓力計


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    2. 溫溼度顯示感知器-一氧化碳-二氧化碳大型警報顯示器
    3. 工業濕度顯示器,數位溫度顯示器,濕度顯示器,大字幕
    4. 專業經營各式壓力計與溫度計_廣新隆有限公司
      各式壓力計、壓力錶 、溫度計等專業經營,另可客製歡迎來電洽詢
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