2004年導入ISO 9001,並於2005年2月通過ISO 9001 TUV認證.
Juin Daw Enterprise Co., Ltd.--Sending units, fuel gauges, fuel level sensors
- 2012/08/30 -
The ISO 9001-approved Juin Daw Enterprise Co., Ltd. has focused on developing and manufacturing vehicle sending units (fuel gauge/fuel level sensors). The company was founded in 1992, succeeding its predecessor Chin Hua Auto Repair Shop, which had been created in 1970.
In its over four decades of experience, Juin Daw has developed and manufactured top quality and reliable sending units for different types of vehicles with fuel tanks.
In 2001, the company moved to a new factory with high-caliber manufacturing equipment due to a strong market demand for its products. In recent years, the significant increase in production capacity has helped the company achieve rapid sales growth.
Juin Daw has adopted many advanced quality control and management systems to assure both high product quality and reasonable prices in addition to its international quality standards.
At the beginning, the company focused its efforts on Japanese-model cars. Later on, it expanded its focus both to U.S. vehicles and European and American classic cars, which have become the company`s major product lines.
Currently, Juin Daw supplies more than 1,000 product types both for popular Japanese, American and European car manufacturers and classic car models in the United States and Europe. The company`s customers are spread across the globe in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, New Zealand, Australia and Southeast Asia.
Juin Daw focuses on "Total Customer Satisfaction and Quality First" and plans on continuing developing new products and upgrading quality.
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