

Fluorite Fluorspar Sand/Fluorspar Powder/ Hydrofluoric Acid/Fluorspar Briquettes/ Fluorite Granules

1,Packaging & Shipping


Jumbo Bag Packing

 Within 15-20 days after get the L/C or TT Advance.


Timely Shipment.




2,Production Application


tractive or more durable.


Uesd in  cement

The slag is an important raw material for remelting essential, the slag pool remelting plays fever, refining and ingot molding important role, The use of slag quality affects directly the quality of the final products. Pre-slag remelting production is the inevitable trend of development in the future 

 Mineralized cement clinker agent, can reduce the sintering temperature, easy to calcination, sintering time and save energy.


Hydrofluoric Acid production


Quality——Stable product quality


Efficient——The slag short time saves 30%,


Energy-saving——Power consumption saves 40%






Ceramic grade is used in the glass.



As a flux in steelmaking to reduce slag viscosity


 Refineries add a "flux" to iron ore and coke mixtures to lower the melting temperature. This lowers the operating temperature of the furnace, thereby reducing energy consumption and production costs. The flux also aids in the formation of the "slag" on the surface of the molten steel that contains most of the impurities.


Chemical Compostion of Fluorspar Briquettes


CaF2(%)Min SiO2(%)Max S(%)Max P(%)Max P2O5(%)Max R2O3(%)Max
90 2.6-6 0.2 0.1 0.3 2.5
85 3.5-6 0.2 0.1 0.3 2.5
80 3.5-6 0.2 0.1 0.3 2.5
75 4-6 0.2 0.1 0.3 2.5
70 5-8 0.2 0.1 0.3 2.5

 HTB1WVjGIXXXXXXXXVXXq6xXFXXXD90 lumpfluospar sand5-3




Why Choose Us!


1,Self-Owned Mine & Processing Plants,Our Prices are Most Competitive.


2,Established in 1996,We are Experienced and Professional.


3,5 Years Experience of Global Market,We are International.


 4,Timly Shipment and Third Party Inspection,We are Realiable.


Lion Fluorite----Your Right Choice!

Contact information


Miss Aki Dai- Sales Representive


Luoyang Lion Fluorite Mining Co.,Ltd


Lion Fluorite---The best quality and best service. Your Right Choice!


INFINITI 2013年653783JA0A:INFINITI 2013年653783JA0A 1個

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    1. 統一編號NA
    2. 手  機1327154620
    3. 更多資訊LuoyangLionFluoriteCO.,LTD


    1. 實驗白金線 (鉑金)
      專業鉑金線 (白金線) 鉑電極 純鉑絲 0.25mm 0.5mm 直徑99.99純度 鉑金絲
    2. 代理印度高品質顏料
    3. 銷售各式鋁合金板材
      鋁合金板材, 代客裁切
    4. 不銹鋼鋼材供應,代客裁剪
    5. 銅鎢片(Cu-W)、鉬片(Moly)散熱基板

