現貨【Covid 19 Antigen Pen】


Covid 19 Antien Rapid Test Devise(Oral fluid/ saliva collection)


Novel coronavirius antigen test pen type device

*Please read these instruction for use carefully.

*For research for one test

*Made in Japan


Caution ⚫ Avoid collecting saliva immediately after eating, brushing your teeth, or gargling. ⚫ Use immediately after opening. ⚫ If the buffer solution gets on your skin, wash it off thoroughly. ⚫Discard used test pens without pulling them out. ⚫ Do not disassemble this product.

Purpose of use This product is a research reagent. Since the clinical utility of results obtained with this product have not been established, do not use this product for the purpose of diagnoses
(determination of status of infection). This novel coronavirus antigen test pen type device (hereinafter, this product) is an antigen detection reagent that employs an immunochromatographic method. A determination of the qualitatively detected SARS-CoV-2
nucleocapsid protein antigen in samples is made. The results of this test cannot be used as a basis for diagnoses or for other purposes. If you experience a reaction to this product, please consult the consultation service for fevers, etc. in accordance with the instructions of your primary physician or the local rules. Even if a reaction is not seen with this product, this does not rule out SARSCoV-2 infection.

Cautionary reminders ⚫ This product is for research use only. ⚫ Do not remove this product from the pouch until immediately prior to use. ⚫ Do not use expired products. ⚫ Do not use pouches if they are damaged or open. ⚫ This test device is disposable. ⚫ The buffer contains a preservative (0.09% sodium azide). If this comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse off with a sufficient amount of water. ⚫ Solutions containing sodium azide may react explosively to lead or copper. Use plenty of water at the time of disposal. ⚫ When performing each test, take measures for biohazards such as using appropriate personal protective equipment and gloves when handling samples. ⚫ Procedures must be followed for sample collection and processing. Failure to follow the instructions for use may result in inaccurate results. ⚫ To ensure accurate results, do not use samples that are visibly bloody or excessively viscous. ⚫ Appropriate safety procedures must be followed in the laboratory at all times when handling SARS-CoV-2 samples. The device may become a source of infection. Please ensure proper handling and disposal in accordance with local regulatory requirements. ⚫ Storage at temperatures other than those specified may adversely affect the results.

If you are interested with this product please send us email at welldoneiwc@gmail.com for more information, or you can also contact us at +8862 2381 2141 #869



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    1. 統一編號24543335
    2. 手  機0987169587
    3. 更多資訊威爾登國際有限公司


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