

Since our enterprise was founded in 1985, we have been taking the Clean Room works (Grade-A air-conditioning works) as the main operation service, emphasizing on industrial management, and assisting customers to solve problems about manufacturing environmental control technology. At the primary stage of operation, we drew up target to make effort in becoming the best provider of industrial demand and technical service, in order to satisfy the customers’ various demands on product supply and processing environment. As the transition and growing of the domestic industry, in order to offer better-quality and wider our enterprise product service, in 1998 our enterprise put capital to buy land and construct factory, and begin to produce high-grade dust-free room equipment, dust-free clothes and materials. At the same time, we build the first Clean Room in the country. Through continuous scientific experiments and verification, we wish to improve thevarious coefficients in the Clean Room, so as to present the rising quality and service before the whole customers. Depending on years’ market experience and analysis, the management team not only makes technical cooperation with foreign manufacturer such as Japan and introduces high-grade technology and processing equipment to devote into dust-free room equipment, dust-free clothes and materials, and the development, production and sale of peripheral articles, but also positively transforms the enterprise organization impetus and human resource efficiency to improve the enterprise managing performance. And in the Operation and Management Meeting in 2006, the management team unanimously agreed upon the strategic concept of promoting the managing development aim to be Dust-free Environment Technology.Looking forward to the future, our enterprise will continue to make effort in industrial demand and product research development; adherent to the practicality of striving for perfection, to work vigorously to promote enterprise production and the research and innovation of human resource; with the best technology, quality, management, efficiency and service, to satisfy the demand of customers; and provide our staff with satisfactory development and care.永大旺有機質肥料

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    1. 統一編號01634360
    2. 更多資訊喬輝企業股份有限公司


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