Conductive PC Film


Conductive PC Film

The conductive PC film is made by Evervictory Acutech Corporation’s proprietary ICP surfacing technology with absolutely zero loading of carbon black and surfactants. The spacer tape/carrier tape is capable of providing permanent ESD protection to transport your electrostatic-sensitive device even at low temperature and low RH levels. Free of contaminants, such as sloughing-off of carbon particles and migrated or aggregated hygroscopic surfactant molecules, the spacer tape will comply with ANSI/EIA standards and exceed MIL-B-81705-C specifications and EOS/ESD S20.20 requirements. In addition, it will have the following distinct advantages:

·       Water-Washable and solvent-resistant (ethanol, IPA),

·       Plasma and Ultrasonic cleanable,

·       Excellent Scuff Resistance so that your electrostatic sensitive device is well guarded,

·       Excellent abrasion-resistant properties,

·       Clear conductive substrate with a slight haze, meaning that the protected device can be visually inspected and received directly as is, giving processing advantages; and

·       RoHS compliant, 100% recyclable

·       Various tinted color available by special request.

Specifically, the conductive PC film can be used to make clear heat-sealable conductive PC carrier tape. This clear heat-sealable conductive PC carrier tape has the potential of replacing the current carbon-loaded black PC carrier. With equally impressive ESD protection and seemingly the same sealing properties with most commonly used heat-sealing cover tape, the clear conductive PC carrier tape is quite simply a big alternative carrier for SMT technology

The spacer tape can be applied in TCP (Tape Carrier Packaging) and COF (Chip on Film) IC packaging utilizing FPC (flexible printed circuit) film as the medium for packaging IC chips. Examples include LCD driver IC packaging, printer head IC packaging, the fingerprint sensor IC packaging, the MEMS based medical device packaging including MEMS microphone, hearing aid, blood glucose sensor IC, RFID module, and other bio-electrical IC packaging.



Evervictory Acutech Corporation(常禾菁研科技股份有限公司,簡稱:EAC)以獨特的ICP表面處理技術製造具導電性的PC膜,絕對不含任何的導電碳黑與各種的界面活性劑。

此產品製成永久性靜電防護spacer tape/carrier tape來傳輸對靜電敏感的元件,適合低溫低溼的環境來使用;表面穩定性佳,無任何汙染物生成,如碳黑顆粒的脫落、界面活性劑的轉移或沾黏;更符合ANSI/EIAEOS/ESD S20.20等標準規範的要求。


l          耐水洗和抗溶劑(乙醇、異丙醇等)

l          可以使用PlasmaUltrasonic來清潔

l          表面具極佳的耐磨擦性,充分防護對靜電敏感的元件

l          優越的耐磨損性能

l          只有些許的霧度,屬於透明的導電基材,意思是說您可以目視檢查並直接取件,進而提升製程效率

l          符合RoHS100%可回收再用

l          可以選擇顏色

特別的是,用EAC的導電PC膜製成的透明防靜電carrier tape在靜電防護上,並不亞於添加導電碳黑的黑色carrier tape;同樣地在熱封性質上,多數的cover tape皆可對應。對SMT的技術層面上,以此透明防靜電carrier tape來替代更是易如反掌。

EAC的導電PC膜製成的透明防靜電spacer tape可應用於

TCP (Tape Carrier Packaging) and COF (Chip on Film) IC packaging utilizing FPC (flexible printed circuit) film as the medium for packaging IC chips. Examples include LCD driver IC packaging, printer head IC packaging, the fingerprint sensor IC packaging, the MEMS based medical device packaging including MEMS microphone, hearing aid, blood glucose sensor IC, RFID module, and other bio-electrical IC packaging.


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    1. 統一編號70684224
    2. 更多資訊常禾菁研科技股份有限公司


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