鉉鴻企業創立於1960年爲臺灣資訊業的開創先鋒之一。由於數十年的經驗累積,造就了今日本公司創新及品質的領先地位‧除了國內各項品質認證的肯定外了歐美國家的多項品質認證,行銷全球五大洲。 並於1999年於德國漢堡設歐洲分公司,以最近的距離服務歐洲客戶。
鉉鴻企業於1999年後開發諸多LCD相關之産品如:Rack LCD KVM 、LCD Panel PC、 LCD Workstation、工業級 LCD 螢幕,及相關配件如Backplane、Cooler、Power Supply等,貨源齊全、品質良好,爲你提供最完整的工業用電腦設備解決方案。
Wingtop was born from predecessor "Jacqueminot" which was found on 1960.
We are a more than 40 years manufacturer in Taiwan, based on rich experienc工二工業區工六路九號 Wingtop had been the subcontractor supplier of Taiwan Tatung Co. The environment that surrounds electrical facility engineering is changing greatly. Since 1980, Wingtop began to offer the SPS and 8086’mechanical item for the earlier computer field. For facilities used in industrial environment and equipment concerned with control, distribution, and auto-related industry, Wingtop is dedicating to "Panel PC & KVM console solution" from 1995. Wingtop panel PC’s features are – critically choosing the Panel supplier quality guaranteed our shipping items excellently, offering the valued SPS to meet various power applic節能減碳設備