宥榮企業有限公司成立於民國82年(西元1993). 主要由一群在條碼或光學方面有十年以上豐富經驗的工程師們所組成
研究& 發展
本公司主力在研發,並接受客戶委托設計製造.我們可以提供完整的條碼掃描器,也可依客戶需求設計機心,或解碼器安裝於客戶指定的機器上. 此外,我們也可為客戶量身訂作解碼器的讀取操作方式,例如重碼不讀及發出警告聲,限制讀碼長度,特殊碼(譬如因印刷錯誤被截掉左右兩邊的碼)...等等.
由宥榮所研發製造的條碼機皆有嚴格品質管制,真正要求耐用,功能強大,品質穩定.介面方面為多選擇式廣用介面,只要換一條cable線,就可以換一種介面.目前支援的介面有,鍵盤式,RS232,NEC98xx, 麥金塔(Mac ADB), Wyse, USB, Wand, OCIA, IBM Think Pad.... 等等.
市場方面, 過去以內銷為主, 1999年底開始拓展至海外各國,目前客戶群主要在歐洲,日本.我們希望可以有更多香港,中國內地的合作客戶.歡迎您參觀我們的網站,並進一步與我們聯絡.新北市汐止區大同路一段183號7樓 CANMAX Technology LTd. Is established by a professional engineer team who are with well experience in electronic, optic, mechanism and software filed. By such valuable background, we develop kinds of products for Auto-ID market with good quality and performance and merit well-know reputation in our filed.
Service Idea
The core of our operation is keeping going on researching and developing new products. And ISO9001 Quality Control Rules is also realized on all of our production proceeding. Aside from providing cutting edge products, we also offer custom-made goods to match some niche market. Base on this, we built a well base with custo被動收入