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檔位多並没有比較好 Ford對GM的九速自排變速箱毫無興趣



Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement. 


然而,我們所說的Hydra-Matic 9T50九速自排變速箱已使用在Chevrolet(雪佛蘭)的2017 Malibu,2017 Cruze Diesel和2018 Equinox上,可是就是没出現在Ford的車款上。Ford在Edge,Transit Connect和Lincoln(林肯)Nautilus上所使用的是自己的新型八速自排變速箱。


有了九速自排變速箱後,2017 Chevrolet Malibu在高速公路的油耗表現只比上一代八速自排車型高出1mpg。最新款的Buick(別克)Envision在高速公路上的油枆也同樣只比舊款的6速自排變速箱好1mpg。

儘管如此,GM汽車認為,9速變速箱比8速更好。GM汽車的發言人Tom Read在一份聲明中表示:”我們設計了九速自排變速箱,以便進行更精細的換檔,讓客戶擁有更順暢舒適的乘駕車感驗。”




Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.

Chevrolet’s first nine-speed automatic transmission, the Hydra-Matic 9T50, makes its debut in the 2017 Malibu and will be available in the 2017 Cruze Diesel and 2018 Equinox. The new transmission is designed to optimize efficiency and refinement.




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