Sun Moon Lake tour


Taiwan James professional English chartered tour team, offering 7-seated and 9-seated cars.

All the English driver here has many years of driving experience,  and all of these cars are No smoke

Welcome friends from Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Malaysia, Australia, U.S.A, and everywhere around the world to visit Taiwan.

We provide alternatives of Sun Moon Lake & Taichung one day tour and Taroko Gorge & Hualien one day tour from Taipei for tourists who books hotel in Taipei, without much time staying in other counties.  So that you can enjoy much more beautiful scenery in other places even if you only book hotels in Taipei.

【Classical one day tour of Sun Moon Lake】

【Go & back from Taipei】

Tour A
Shuei-She Wharf(Taking the boat to visit around the whole lake) > Syuan Guang Temple(tasting the famous grandma's Tea Eggs) > Ita Thai Tradtional Market > Wen Wu Temple > Chiang-Kia-Shek's Church > Xuan Zang Temple > Tze-En Tower

One day tour go & back from Taipei


1~4 people : Toyota Wish or same level comfortable 7-seated Recreation Vehicles.



One day tour to go & back from Taipei, finishing the tour without time limited

The fare of Sun Moon Lake & Taichung one day tour is NT$8000

(which includes oil cost, etc fee, parking fee, driver's pay, meals fee, and passenger's insurance etc.)

5~8 people : Hyundai Starex or same level comfortable 9-seated vans.


BlogImage - 2015-05-26 22:41:04

One day tour to go & back from Taipei, finishing the tour without time limited

The fare of Sun Moon Lake & Taichung one day tour is NT$9000
(which includes oil cost, etc fee, parking fee, driver's pay, meals fee, and passenger's insurance etc.)





Due to too many scenic spots to choose, you can discuss with James in advance : +886955913683




All the English driver here has many years of driving experience,  and all of these cars are without smoke.

Each car insures complete safety insurance for passengers, which guarantees the best quality and the safest travel.

You will receive thoughtful service and experience the hard working of service quality.  Sincerely invite you to become our VIP.

We have tried several traffic tools to do the rounding trip of this fantastic island many times, and we found that it's definitely the most efficient, safest, and most time-saving method to do chartered tour for tourists without much time staying here.

And also the best choice to experience the culture, delicious food, and view watching in a short time.

The place we are going to visit, is not just those reported on news and magazines, but also some secretary scenery spots and nice food, which will bring you most and best memories home.

As a professional English guiding chartered tour team, we put emphasis on the quality and safety of the tour, and insist the thoughtful and comfort of the service.

We hire well-trained driver guide with abundant experience to plan the tour schedule for you.

We ensure every little thing in service quality, in order that we can offer you a comprehensive chartered tour service, which will leave you the most beautiful memories.

Whatever needs or thoughts you have, you can communicate and discuss with us.

It is our original intention to make you love Taiwan.  And it is our goal that bring you to discover the new faces of Taiwan through professional and attentive service.




Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan as well as a tourist attraction. Situated in Yuchih, Nantou, the area around the Sun Moon Lake is home to the Thao tribe, one of aboriginal tribes in Taiwan . Sun Moon Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu. The east side of the lake looks like a sun and the west side looks like a moon, hence the name.
Sun Moon Lake is located 748 metres above sea level. It is 27 metres deep and has a surface area of approximately 7.93 square kilometres
In older English literature it was commonly referred to as Lake Candidius , after the 17th century Dutch missionary Georgius Candidius. In the middle of the lake is the Lalu Island , which is the holy ground for the Thao tribe. Originally, the Lalu was where the Thao people inhabited. Under the Japanese occupation of Taiwan , the Japanese named it the " Jade Island ". After Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan , the island was renamed Kuang Hua and in 1978 the local government built a pavilion where annual weddings took place. The 921 Earthquake destroyed the pavilion and sunk most of the island. In recent years, due to increasing social and political awareness, more deference and recognition are being given to Taiwanese aborigines. As a result, after 921 earthquake, the island was renamed in the Thao language as "Lalu".
Several hydroelectric power plants have been built in the Sun Moon Lake since 1919, including Mingtan. When Taipower finished the first plant in 1934, it was considered to be one of the most important infrastructure constructions of the time. The Jiji Line railroad was built to facilitate the construction.
While swimming in Sun Moon Lake is usually not permitted, there is an annual 3-km race called the Swimming Carnival of Sun Moon Lake held around the Mid-Autumn Festival each year, and in recent years the participants have numbered in the tens of thousands.Other festivities held at the same time include fireworks, laser shows, and concerts.

Surrounded by green mountains, Sun Moon Lake is the pearl of Central Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake".
In the middle of the lake (between the "sun" and the "moon") is an island which has long been a sacred place for the Shao people. This island (Lalu) is off-limits to visitors. Only the Shao people can go there to worship their ancestors. (There is a ferry that passes by it, departing every hour from 9:00 to 4:00). But the beauty of Sun Moon Lake is not Lalu. The beauty of Sun Moon Lake is found in the surrounding mountains. From the lake, tier upon tier of countless peaks can be seen rising up into the sky. The nearby mountains appear dark with vegetation. The mountains that echo farther and farther away appear less and less distinct until they fade into the sky.

The lake has not always looked the way it does now. At one time Lalu was a much larger island, a pearl separating the "Sun Lake" from the "Moon Lake". But in the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, the Japanese in 1934 deepened the lake by directing water from the adjacent lakes at Puli and Yuchih. The depth changed from 6 meters to 27 meters. The surface area of the lake changed from 1.8 sq miles to nearly 3 sq. miles (4.55 sq kms to 7.73 sq. kms). The big pearl became a little pearl. The Shao people were moved from their beloved Lalu to the upper Sun Moon Village.




























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