iLu CO., LTD is established in 2013, currently iLu has three business segments, 1. IT equipment, it includes IT scrap and refurbishedIT equipmen, 2. Connective, it includes, FR4 PCB, Flexible PCB and connection cables customized, 3. Plastic Scrap trading. Our own warehouse is undering consurction which will be used for recycle collection stock room, once warehouse is ready, iLu will collect waste dry-cell batteries and waste lead batteries locally then export.
iLu CO., LTD is established in 2013, currently iLu has three business segments, 1. IT equipment, it includes IT scrap and refurbishedIT equipmen, 2. Connective, it includes, FR4 PCB, Flexible PCB and connection cables customized, 3. Plastic Scrap trading. Our own warehouse is undering consurction which will be used for recycle collection stock room, once warehouse is ready, iLu will collect waste dry-cell batteries and waste lead batteries locally then export.公園滅蚊
- 公司名稱譯麓有限公司管理此網頁
- 服務地址新北市蘆洲區鷺江街105號
- 統一編號54296114
- 手 機0933819962
02-82863598#101 - 聯絡人曾國哲