
豐格國際GTL "providing the high quality service"


We are committed to: 1. Being a responsible company. 2. Providing the customer with quality service. 3. Creating Advanced products. 4. Offering fastest delivery service. 5. Respecting social and physical environment. We feel we offer better services than our competitors. What we mean is the best not only in product qualities and values, but in everything we do. Let us do the best service and work together, growing together and also enjoying a successful relationship.
豐格國際企業有限公司主要產品︰電腦喇叭、麥克風、耳機、電腦週邊設備。 GTL was established in 1980. The headquarters is located in Taipei, Taiwan with 12 people, and has two factories in China. One is located in Changan Town, Dongguan, China with 450 people; the other is located in Dongguan city, China with 320 people. We are producing Headsets, Headphone, Earphone, Microphone and Retractable cables. The products are for Multimedia, Audio, USB, wireless, Noise Canceling...etc. Except our own products, we also accept OEM projects and to be an client's agent to purchase all products they need which including Electronic and Computer peripherals and accessories.紙廠機械


  1. 公司名稱豐格國際企業有限公司GTL管理此網頁
  2. 服務地址大安區台北市安和路二段70號9樓之2
  3. 統一編號30958922
  4. 服務電話 02-27038532
  5. 聯絡人豐格國際