銅箔基板( CCL )及週邊原物料,電子類商品
The founding of Emerdax Corporation, like the founder and world traveler himself John C. Lin, is a relentless effort to bridge global business between East and West.
Emerdax Corporation mission is simple. Create a business environment where everyone involved is a beneficiary. Whether your industry is Electronics, Construction or Automotive, our constant strive to build a long-term win-win business relationship have won us assurance and trust from around the world.
With our vast international experience and a highly regarded management and sales team, we are keen on providing great service not only to our customers, but our partners as塑膠零件射出代工
- 公司名稱愷翔實業股份有限公司管理此網頁
- 服務地址台北市中山區長春路143號2樓
- 統一編號13121061
02-77021272 - 聯絡人黃先生