


FCD-01 Car Video Recorder with GPS Real time video, audio recording and driving route logging system The GeoRecord FCD-01 Car video recording system is designed for recording video and audio when driving. By adopting high quality imaging technology and integrated with GPS for logging position data, this system is very good to track special events when driving.
Real time Car video recording system - FCD-01 The real time car video recording system is designed for record special event and keep the logging of driving route by GPS. It is very useful to know how driver act and condition when event happened. FCD-01 can record 30fps video and audio real time and can save up to max 16 hrs video by using 32GB SDHC card. This device also integrated with GPS function to show the route of car track. Please refer our FCD-01 Car DVR specification page for more inforamtion. Directly to obtain sample or technical support by email to sales@f-tech.com.tw陶瓷真空吸盤


  1. 公司名稱勤立科技股份有限公司管理此網頁
  2. 服務地址台南市東區裕信路355號
  3. 統一編號25050060
  4. 服務電話 06-6008999
  5. 聯絡人Alex Huang