We supply all kinds of cylinder liners, sleeves and custom made liners for engineering, construction, agricultural and marine engines. Established in 1975, we YU FENG LINER CO., LTD. is the leading manufacturer and export of Wet & Dry Cylinder liners, Sleeves, Air – Water cooled Blocks and custom made casting liners & sleeves for both gasoline and diesel engine applications. With more than 45 years experienced of manufacture Cylinder liners and Sleeves. We supply highest quality of our products worldwide. All the material and the liners that we produced are 100% made in Taiwan.塑膠射出成型
- 公司名稱YUFENGLINER玉鋒機械有限公司管理此網頁
- 服務地址彰化縣芬園鄉茄荖村嘉北街424巷145號
- 統一編號54787202
049-2511259 - 聯絡人葉詩庭