(1) We provide wholesale, retail and commerce business
of cosmetic and cleaning products.
(2) Clients request OEM or ODM services, including dry the solid particles, granulating, fill in capsule, tabletting and powder preparation.
(3) Examine and test all kind of functional health food and gene extraction examine.
(4) We provide expert consultation service and home service.
★Our company can provide raw materials to help products development.Please contact Mr. Liu.TEL:886-982-458813
★Our company gathered all medical, pharmaceutical, food and nutrition experts, and we follow most strict quality control, best efficacy and the safety products principles to do our products.Also we use the top technology equipments.LED組裝焊錫
- 公司名稱TOPO拓撲藥品股份有限公司管理此網頁
- 服務地址台中市西區中港路一段104號之 10
- 統一編號12784288
- 手 機0982458813
04-22080708 - 聯絡人何先生