
得一金屬股份有限公司創設於1979年.專業製造 / 出口: 各類門窗鎖及配件, 建築


得一金屬股份有限公司 創設於1979年.專業製造 / 出口: 各類門窗鎖及配件,淋浴間不銹鋼把手、水平鎖、輔助鎖、掛鎖、喇叭鎖、抽屜鎖、輕型四連桿、門窗鎖、毛巾架、不銹鋼鉸鏈、門鉸鏈、傢具鎖、鑰匙、掛鎖、窗戶鉸鏈、櫥 建築五金, 主要出口為歐洲,中南美洲及亞洲.
得一金屬股份有限公司創立於1979年,成立之初即以自創品牌「AMEX」行銷國外,四十年的生產及出口經驗讓我們建立了與客戶及供應商長久共榮的穩固關係及優良信譽 Amex is one of the leading and reputable manufacturers and exporters of door and window locks and accessories (security products) in Taiwan/China since 1979. Our products include door locks, slam locks, padlocks, door closers , door guards,mortise locks, cylinders, pivots, patch fittings, dead bolts, combination safe box locks, cam locks, panic exit bars, gear shift locks, rollers, glass door fittings, caulking guns and building hardware. Our principal manufacturing facilities are located in China/Taiwan, so we can provide the most competitive price. And quality assurance is also one of the most important concerns of Amex. All of our products are through a strict quality control and test. In short, Amex Hardware Co., Ltd. is committed to providing full security products and services to our customers.橡膠迫緊


  1. 公司名稱得一金屬股份有限公司管理此網頁
  2. 服務地址台北市中正區汀州路二段38號14樓
  3. 統一編號04678799
  4. 服務電話 02-23677792
  5. 聯絡人黃文怡