CHI MARK INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. was established in FEB. 1993 located in Taichung, Taiwan as a specialized maker of "Magnetic tools". We are especially famous for "Quality Telescope inspection mirrors", Due to our past Abundant Experiences in producing "Quality magnetic Tools", we have expanded the variety of our products.
Since February 1993, "CHI MARK" has built 14 years of excellent reputation for quality in the field of Telescope inspection mirrors, Telescope white light LED, Claw pick up tools, Magnetic pick up tools, Magnetic tool trays and Multi - purpose magnetic holders...etc, in addition, we also serve as a R & D and OEM supplier.排水管阻塞處理
- 公司名稱集貿國際有限公司管理此網頁
- 服務地址光榮街28號
- 統一編號84163230
04-24815587 - 聯絡人蘇振欽